1. First, determine the narrative you want to communicate.
1. First, determine the narrative you want to communicate. Do you want to talk about heartbreak? Rage? Social injustices? Joy? Etc. Or, do you want to tell a story in a timeline, like early relationship and up to a breakup? Birth to death? Etc… 2. Then, find at LEAST 5 songs (no more than 7) on YouTube, that tell that story. The songs you decide to use MUST make sense in your narrative. Note: Think about the emotions/scenes, etc you want to convey and search for music about those things. 3. Post link of videos from YouTube to ALL 5 songs and explain: A. What narrative you were trying to portray in your song cycle B. Why you chose EACH song. C. Mention how the lyrics it uses, choice of instruments, musical concepts like form, etc. inform the narrative you chose. Note: Please use only YouTube as the source. No other sources needed/required.