Describe how the audience influences the author’s choice of content and language.

1000 words Has a title Contains in the first paragraph the full titles of the texts you read Contains in the first paragraph an argument (thesis or statement of purpose for your paper) on the ways in which audience, author identity, and purpose influence the content and language of a text

Shows evidence (specific examples) from both texts showing how author identity, purpose, and audience have influenced content and language

Does not contain your opinion Contains a Works Cited page at the end of your paper Checklist Is 750-1000 words? Has a title? What is the title? Contains in the first paragraph the full titles of the texts read? What are the titles? Contains in the first paragraph an argument (thesis or

statement of purpose for the paper) on the ways in which audience, author identity, and purpose influence the content and language of a text? What is that argument? Shows evidence (specific examples) from both texts showing how author identity, purpose, and audience have

influenced content and language? Be prepared to share one example. Does not contain the opinion of the person writing the Culminating Activity? Contains a Works Cited page at the end of the paper? Talk about the language and audience. The assignment is not to talk about the effect in politics and sports its about the language and audience more than anything. You want to answer these questions in the paper for both articles then compare/contrast the 2 authors language and audience they were trying to reach. What was the main idea of the text? What point

was the author trying to make? What were the author’s supporting arguments? Without going into too much detail, what evidence did the author give to support the main idea? Describe any problems and solutions to those problems that were presented in the text. Who is the audience for this text? How do you know? Describe how the audience influences the author’s choice of content and language. Provide background

information on the author. What language is the author writing in? What other relevant identities might be influencing their writing (e.g., nationality, age, gender)? Describe how the author’s identities influence the author’s choice of content and language. Describe what made you choose this text for your Summary-Response. In what ways will this make an interesting source for your Phase 02?