• Discuss the interventions and service delivery model you would use if you were the service provider for a child with this disability.
Research the topic using at least two scholarly/peered reviewed articles (e.g. professional journals), one book (e.g. medical text, support
group/parent literature), and one online source. One of the texts may be your course text, if applicable. Sources must be cited using APA format Write a 4-5 page report which includes: • An explanation of the disability, the diagnosis and/or identification process, recommended treatment and interventions as well as medical and educational implications.
• Include the effects of the diagnosis on all areas of development (motor, cognition, speech/language, social and daily living).
• Include possible secondary difficulties, which could be associated with the diagnosis. • Include an explanation of research-based interventions, which are recommended for the child with that specific diagnosis. • Discuss the implications for the family.
• Discuss the interventions and service delivery model you would use if you were the service provider for a child with this disability.
• Use APA guidelines and is virtually free of grammatical and spelling errors. • The 4 -5 page requirement does not include the cover page and references