. Explain the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project’s rationale behind present on admission (POA) indicators.

Write responses to the following two Assignments make sure to conduct the research by accessing the industry related website and read the text book related information. Respond to each of the numbered questions and make sure to keep space between lines and paragraphs – organization is key to success –

The responses can be in a regular assignment format where you list the question and answers. It does not need to be in an essay/paper format. Each group of Questions are worth – 25 points ( 5 points each of the following ) make sure to write at least 250 words total per the entire question. Total words for both should be no less than 500 words Present on Admission: Where We Are Now – read the article Link (Links to an external site.) https://library.ahima.org/doc?oid=91932#.YJYd3rVKiUn 1. Describe what is present on admission (POA)? 2. What is considered present on admission?

3. Explain the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project’s rationale behind present on admission (POA) indicators.

4. How does an incorrect POA affect the reimbursement 5. Read this article from AHIMA and discuss the five indicators Medicare.Gov visit the link here Link (Links to an external site.) and answer the following questions https://www.medicare.gov/what-medicare-covers/your-medicare-coverage-choices/whats-medicare 1. What is Medicare?

2. Which group of people receive Medicare services, what additional services are covered by some Medicare Advantage plans?

3. Go to the left navigational bar under “Types of Medicare Health Plans” and click on “Medicare Advantage plans”. What are these services offered under Medicare Advantage describe the different types of Medicare Advantage plans available and give examples? 4. List the four most common types of Medicare fraud. 5. List two types of Medicare abuse that are most common.