He saw that his dream of opening russia to the west was fulfilled before his death.
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Madyson Emory
Absolutism is theory is the idea of total monarchical, stating that “ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right.” The reign of Louis XIV was regarded as the best example of absolute rule in France’s history, with Cardinal Richelieu (1624 – 1642) planting the seeds for absolutism in the form of strengthening the power of the French crown (eliminating the political and military rights of the Huguenots while preserving their religious ones and using spies to uncover potential plots from French nobles and eliminating any and all threats). When Louis XIV came into power in 1643, with the aid of Cardinal Richelieu’s disciple Cardinal Mazarin, they would continue to funnel more power into the French crown with Mazarin’s death in 1661 seeing that Louis XIV would have absolute reign.
Benyamin Bamburac
Brandenburg-Prussia was once three disconnected masses of land that were in the country of Germany. Frederick William the Great Elector built a massive army that needed more taxes to support it. Frederick William was succeeded by his son, Frederick III. He made one significant contribution to the development of the Prussian state that proved to be massively helpful to it. He later aided the Roman Empire in a war against Spain, which granted him the title king-of-Prussia in 1701, thus giving him the title King Frederick I.
Austria created its new empire which was composed of several huge parts which were unchanged from the original Austria, with more added masses of land. Austria set plans for westward expansion but was challenged by the Ottomans. A European army led by the Austrians later counterattacked and was successful, which acquired more land for Austria. Austria never became an absolutist state because it was separated into so many pieces that trying to control them all at once would prove to be a very hard challenge. Each part of Austria had its dedicated laws.
A Russian state emerged that was under the leadership of the principality of Moscow. Ivan IV the Terrible was the first person to take the title of tsar (“Caesar”), and he expanded the territory eastward. His dynasty ended which was followed by a long period of anarchy, commonly known as the Time of Troubles. It did not stop until Michael Romanov was chosen as the new tsar. This created a dynasty that would last until around 1917. Around 100 years later, or in the seventeenth century, Russian society was controlled by an upper class of aristocrats who greatly controlled townspeople, severely restricted merchants’ decisions, and were also binding peasants to the land. This created a period of unsettling conditions which were accompanied by revolts mainly comprised of merchants or peasants. Russia was experiencing moderate Westernization at the time, but Peter the Great accelerated the westernization process even more. He reorganized the army and enforced more Western practices into the country. His plan to open a window to the West required acquisition of a port which required defeating Charles. He eventually defeated Charles and was recognized as a great military power. He saw that his dream of opening Russia to the West was fulfilled before his death.