How did you arrive at these objectives? Did you have difficulty? Why are these specific objectives important?

Imagine you are a nursing instructor at local university or a nurse educator in a hospital and you have been chosen to teach a 1 – 2 hour class about your specialty (Infectious disease). Write FOUR objectives that you will have for this class and describe how you arrived at those specific objectives. Be sure to cover all 3 domains of learning (for example: develop two cognitive, one affective, and one psychomotor objective) and identify the learning domain of each objective in your response.

Use the Four-Part Method of Objective Writing outlined in Bastable Table 10-1 (pg 447) and SMART (Table 10-4 pg. 449). How did you arrive at these objectives? Did you have difficulty? Why are these specific objectives important? Will these be accurate measures of success for this class? To begin planning a class, you always must start with what you want to achieve.