In The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature, Michael Meyer defines antagon
In The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature, Michael Meyer defines antagonist as “the character, force, or collection of forces in fiction or drama that opposes the protagonist and gives rise to the conflict of the story” (1559). Some would say the county attorney is the antagonist in
Trifles. In this essay, I am not asking for you to select the character you feel is the antagonist. Instead, I’d like for you to focus on what you feel is the non-human antagonist in Trifles, the aspect of society or character trait that is responsible for the primary conflict in the play. Your thesis
should not only tell us what you regard as responsible for the conflict of the story, but it should also tell us the one main reason why. Rather than listing three different responsible forces, you will need to pick ONE, or possibly TWO that you see working together. Reviewing Lecture 16 a
couple of times should help if you’re stumped. Thesis Tip: A good thesis statement offers a perspective on the text that readers would not immediately arrive at or agree with. A good thesis is the product of careful reflection on the details of the text and requires evidence and
interpretation in order to convince readers of its validity. Remember to avoid listing three different issues in your thesis. Evidence Tip: Remember that you need to select at least three pieces of evidence that all relate to the thesis that you are developing. Ask yourself: what is the interesting insight regarding my thesis that each piece of evidence shows me? Make sure that readers can follow how each piece of evidence connects to
your thesis. Formatting: 3 typed, double-spaced pages with one-inch margins and 12-pt font. Do not right-justify the text. Use parenthetical documentation in MLA style throughout and include a works cited in MLA style