In this Lab, you will create an entity relationship diagram for a restaurant review website.

In this Lab, you will create an entity relationship diagram for a restaurant review website.

The major entities involved in this database design are the following.

Restaurant – the eating establishment being reviewed
Administrator – a person authorized to enter and update information about a restaurant such as name, address, hours of operation, etc.
Reviewer – a person who write reviews of restaurants
Review – the review of a restaurant
These are the business rules that apply to these entities.

Each Restaurant can be administrated by one or many Administrators; each Administrator can administer one or many Restaurants.
Each Review is for one and only one Restaurant; each Restaurant can have zero or many Reviews.
Each Review is written by one and only one Reviewer; each Reviewer can write zero or many Reviews.
A table provided in the lab instructions gives detailed information about the attributes that must be stored for each entity.

After completing the steps below, submit a single Microsoft Word document file named LabWeek2xxx.docx (where xxx = your initials). This file will contain two Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) copied and pasted from Microsoft Visio:

Conceptual: A conceptual data model diagram of this database showing:
the four major entities
the relationships among the entities
Logical: A logical data model diagram of this database showing:
all entities (including any needed associative entities)
the relationships among the entities
all primary and foreign keys
attributes for each entity
a data type for each attribute