Mills White Ignorance: Deconstruct the meaning and significance of the epigraph to Mills’ essay.

White Ignorance
1. Deconstruct the meaning and significance of the epigraph to Mills’ essay.
2. Answer question 1 further by exploring the first two sentences in Mills’ introductory paragraph.
3. Pages 15-17 “sketch out” the character of white ignorance per Mills’ theoretical examination, taking care to note a distinction between the phenomenon he defines from Goldman’s essay on “social veritistic epistemology.” Why is Mills’ distinction critical to understandings of “ignorance,” and how might this new way of seeing help us to understand the our different experiences.
4. What does Section II of the essay help us to understand about the development of critical racial consciousness in tandem with our efforts to create a more just world.
5. Use each of the principles outlined in section III of Mills’ essay as an opportunity to explore the types of micro/macroaggressions BIPOC people face when navigating white spaces.