Psychologists and other scientists often utilize the popular media and journalists to share potentially valuable research findings to a large audience.

A goal of psychologists is to communicate research findings to the general public.

Psychologists and other scientists often utilize the popular media and journalists to share potentially valuable research findings to a large audience.

While the dissemination of scientific information is important, sometimes popular media outlets overstate, misinterpret, or get details about the research wrong. Accordingly, it is essential to become a good consumer of research.

The purpose of this research project is to show that you are thinking like a researcher and understand how to critically evaluate research that is read by the general public. You are responsible for finding a public source web article/item from a media outlet (e.g., online blogs, newspapers, magazines, etc.) that discusses a scientific study.

Then, you will locate the source (i.e., scientific journal article written by the original researchers who conducted the study). You will be required to discuss/critique both the public source article and the primary source empirical article. While the structure and format of the paper are flexible, you will need to follow the general outline below to address all of the required points.