Research Paper – Squirrel Foraging & Vigilant Behavior
Research Paper – Squirrel Foraging & Vigilant Behavior
Paper details:
Attached files:
1. Paper Rubric ;
2. Paper Template (I added a table (just write a note for it) and figures that should be in the paper if you want to make a correction please do so);
3. Squirrel behavior observations ;
4. Paper 1 Analyzed Data (There are a hypothesis that should be written in the paper)
5. Paper 1 Q&A (very important! read this carefully)
6. 2 articles that should be listed in the paper and reference list
For this class, we went to Central Park to see a squirrel foraging and vigilant behavior using an ethogram to record the data. (to understand what we did look to the attached file named “squirrel behavior observations”)
For the paper – use Past tense except when testing a phenomenon (e.g., To test whether group size is related to time spent foraging…); See “Paper 1 Q&A it’s going to say what to write in different parts of the paper.
All the hypothesis that should be included in the paper in the attached file “Paper 1 Analyzed Data”