SOLVED : – when? Where? describe venue, acoustics (lots of echo=”wet”; not much echo=”dry”) Band – instrumentation? vocalist? electronic? acoustic? who was the leader?/2022


a. Setting – when? Where? describe venue, acoustics (lots of echo=”wet”; not much echo=”dry”) Band – instrumentation? vocalist? electronic? acoustic? who was the leader?


b. Repertory – describe the songs they play, give titles if possible. Talk about tempo, volume, contrasts. If the program consists of many songs, compare, and contrast a few which are all different. If everything they play is similar, how so? The melody? the rhythm? the texture?


c. Style – In what style or styles do they play? Traditional (“Straight ahead”)? Fusion of styles? Rock influenced? Dixieland (New Orleans)? Why did you conclude that? Musical characteristics: melody, harmony, rhythm. Did you know any of the songs?


d. Song forms, presentation: Do they use lots of arrangements, or do they just seem to play the melody, then improvise, then play the melody again? Use of introductions to the tunes? Try to talk about the form of the tunes.


e. Improvisation/Interaction – do they improvise a lot? Who improvises most? Do they seem to be communicating in any way? Who do you like the most? Why?


f. Sound phenomenon opinion – what’s your impression of the overall sound? organized? pleasing to the ear? difficult to listen to? What’s the timbre (sound quality of each instrument and the overall combination)?