What are the macro and micro historical phenomena that allowed that text to come to be?
Research Project (45 Points, cumulative) Pick a contemporary media text (e.g., an advertisement, a news practice, a medium, technology, device,
trend, etc.) and put that text in historical context using primary and secondary historical research. Where did the text come from? What are its precursors? What are the macro and micro historical phenomena that allowed that text to come to be? This project, which will culminate in a
research paper, allows students to investigate any topic at the intersection of their personal academic interests and the themes of this course. All projects will be developed in consultation with the professor both during class time and in virtual office hours. Reasearch must be conducted using
the Aple Archive and the topic of my reasearh project is the apple iPhone. https://www.apple.com/newsroom/archive/ I am also attaching my research proposal for more references.