What extra challenges and advantages are given in an environment where leaders are professionally trained in the same way the followers are?

Discussion 1: Reflecting on the Reading – Busher and Saran (1994)
In no more than 200 words please post your response to A and B:
Busher and Saran wrote this article in the mid-1990s. In the intervening time, a lot has
happened in educational leadership, not least the semantic rephrasing to Educational
leadership from Educational management. However, this article is helpful as it lays out
several models of leadership, and also discusses ‘styles’ of leadership.
Educational institutions and in this particular case ‘schools’ are professional organisations
that are staffed by professionals and led by those same professionals.
A. What extra challenges and advantages are given in an environment where leaders
are professionally trained in the same way the followers are?
B. What are the drawbacks of using a ‘structural/functional model’ (Busher and Saran,
1994, p.5) in understanding educational leadership?
Discussion 2: Reflecting on the Reading – Gunter and Rayner (2007) Options Menu: Forum
Following on from the article by Gunter and Rayner, you will now problematise
transformational leadership. You should all contribute to all of the five questions below and
write no more than 100 words per question.
You must include citations from Gunter and Rayner, and may include citations from any of
the literature presented so far.
1. Who is it who promotes transformational leadership?
2. For whom is it intended?
3. Why is transformational leadership advocated here and now?
4. Whom does transformational leadership benefit?
5. Whom does it harm?