What is one point that you want to make to support your thesis??
Did anything in the article/video/film help you to think about your own experience in a new or clearer way?
?What background information do you need to present to help your reader understand who you are and why you are responding in this way? ?
What is your main point (thesis)?o
Your main point needs to explain that you came to your opinion through an examination of the piece in question and in relation to your personal experience; to express your opinions clearly; and to highlight the points that you will be discussing in your essay. Body (two, three or more paragraphs) ?
What is one point that you want to make to support your thesis??
What is another point that you want to make to support your thesis? ?What is another point that you want to make to support your thesis? ?ETC. Conclusion (one paragraph) ?
What do you conclude after discussing all of the above?