What is the main argument/position of each side of the debate?

H‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ere we go again…. Choose ONE of the debates below from the Taking Sides reader and write a paper analyzing the debate. Your essay should include an overview of the debate and a synopsis of each author’s position. What is the main argument/position of each side of the

debate? After analyzing each side, where do you stand on the topic?

In the end, you need to take a side and defend your position. You must demonstrate that you read the debate and understand it. NOTE: these debates are from the 15th Edition of Taking Sides. If you are using another edition, you MUST choose one from the last 8 issues AND confirm your debate with me!1. Did Andrew Jackson’s Removal Policy

Benefit Native Americans? (Robert Remini v. Alfred Cave)2. Did the Industrial Revolution Provide More Economic Opportunities for Women in the 1830s? (Nancy Cott v. Gerda Lerner)3. Was Antebellum Temperance Reform Motivated Primarily by Religious Moralism? (W.J. Rorabaugh v. John Rumbarger)4. Was the Mexican War an Exercise of American Imperialism? (Walter Nugent v. Norman Graebner)5. Was John Brown an Irrational Terrorist? (John Gilbert v. Scott John Hammond)6. Was Slavery the Key Issue in the Sectional Conflict L‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍eading to the Civil War?

(Charles Dew v. Marc Engel)7. Are Historians Wrong to Consider the War Between the States as a “Total War”? (Mark Neely v. James McPherson)8. Was Abraham Lincoln America’s Greatest President? (Phillip Shaw Paludan v. Melvin Bradford)9. Did Reconstruction Fail as a Result of Racism? (LeeAnna Keith v. Heather Cox Richardson) Your answers must adhere to all expected elements of styleand conform to the same guidelines as before:?Your essay should be at least three pages Many tried to write the paper in fewer pages last time. Your grades

suffered. Don’t make the same mistake.?Each essay is to be typewritten and double-spaced – NO hand-written papers accepted. ?Each essay is to have its own title page.?Your essay should have a concise, well-organized introduction with a strong thesis statement. ?Pay close attention to how you organize your essay. Do you make sense?

Read your answer before handing it in to make sure it’s readable. ?Follow the proper rules of citation! Cite your sources or lose points! You don’t get points back this time.?The essay is worth 100 points – failure to comply with the above guidelines will cost you points.?They are due by Sunday, ‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍May 23 at 11:59 pm.